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Entry Form Submission


Interested organisations / individuals are required to submit the Entry Form and settle the entry fee
before the entry deadline.


Project Summary Submission

The Project Summary which can be written in English / Chinese with a word limit of 2,500 (an extra 100 words will be given for applying the Special Award for COVID-19 Response) will be used to identify candidates for the First Interview. Project Summary should be clear and comprehensible to readers both inside and outside your field.

Final Judging Interview


Finalists will be invited to give a presentation in English / Cantonese / Putonghua, to be followed by a  Q&A session by the judging panel. The judging panel will select the awardees.


Awards Presentation Ceremony
February 2024

Results of the HKIHRM HR Excellence Awards 2022/23 will be announced.

Award Categories 2021/22

The following Awards will be granted to outstanding programmes in " Organisational Category", "HR Service Provider Category", " NGO Category" and "Individual Category" by the Panel Judges

  • Excellence Award

  • Elite Award

  • Merit Award

Organisational Category

Business Partner Award

This award recognises HR teams for their efforts and achievements, attained in partnering with business leaders and other key stakeholders of the organisation, that have the highest impact on business unit talent and business outcomes. Entries should include specific initiatives, projects or programmes which demonstrate ways to secure management buy-in and the team's collaborative approach to people management, work practices, applying technologies / talent solutions and building organisational capabilities to enhance business success.

Change Management Award

This award recognises excellence in an organisation's ability to set a compelling vision and plan, implement, and manage changes in the people aspect of a major organisational programme. Entries should demonstrate HR’s contribution through all the stages of the change process, and how the programme brings positive impacts to employees and organisation performance and / or clearly minimises potential negative impacts.

Diversity & Inclusion Award

This award recognises an organisation that supports diversity and inclusion initiatives at the heart of its business and realises such values through active practices. Entries should demonstrate best practices in diversity and inclusion being put in place in their HR policies, practices, and procedures with regular reviews to tackle and remove any unfair bias.

Employee Engagement Award

This award recognises an organisation where its employee engagement strategy is closely aligned with the broader business objectives, thus benefitting engagement, retention, productivity, and other relevant measures. Entries should demonstrate that specific initiatives have helped engage employees in committing themselves to the company and becoming more satisfied with their work. Entries should be able to quantify the achievements.

Employee Wellness Award

This award recognises an organisation that provides the most compelling evidence about their strategy for protecting and enhancing the health and wellbeing of employees. Entries should include specific initiatives, whether mental, physical, social, or emotional, which have created a clear and measurable return on investments made in this area and strengthened the organisation performance.

Employer Branding Award

This award recognises an organisation that has created a value proposition and executed a branding campaign with proven success in differentiating its identity and adding value to the organisation. Entries should demonstrate a strong employer brand strategy in attracting, engaging, and retaining employees and show evidence of implementing the branding campaign successfully.

ESG Award

This award recognises an organisation for planning a comprehensive ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) approach, including Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives, and factoring it into its overall HR strategy. Entries should demonstrate the positive influence made by applying the ESG initiatives / projects to deepen the sustainability and ethical impact of a company in the areas of environment, society, and governance.

Family-Friendly Practices Award

This award recognises an organisation with excellence in helping employees balance work and family obligations, through a wide range of HR policies and practices, such as flexible work arrangements, daycare, elderly care, adoption and reproductive assistance, breastfeeding support, paid personal and earned days off programmes, or academic bursaries for employees' children.

Innovation Award

This award recognises the successful implementation of an overhaul of an HR concept through innovative initiatives to create synergies, deliver insight, increase efficiency, enhance family, community and / or social values while addressing workforce and / or organisation challenges. Innovative initiatives can be creating or adopting a new technology or digital solution, or a creative strategic HR-related programme.

Learning & Development Award

This award recognises excellence in the design, creation, and implementation of a unique learning and development strategy that enhances the skills, knowledge, and attitude across all levels of the organisation. The scope of the entry can be a strategic plan or programme, individual courses or other deliverables that enhance performance and encourage learning and development in the organisation.

Talent Acquisition Award

This award recognises an organisation’s talent attraction strategy that effectively aligns with the overall business strategies and employer branding. Entries should demonstrate excellence in job design, manpower planning and deployment, recruitment and selection strategies, internal mobility strategies and programmes that seek to achieve effective utilisation and acquisition of talent to meet business needs.

Talent Management Award

This award recognises an organisation which has developed outstanding effective strategies, programmes and policies for talent identification, classification, management, and retention, as well as workforce mobilisation such as job rotation and assignment planning to enable leadership succession.

Technology Application Award

This award recognises an organisation that embraces technologies, data analytics / informatics or digital solutions to help drive better efficiency, productivity, and performance of the HR department and the organisation. The scope of the entry can include the implementation of HR software, analytic systems, online training, etc.

HR Service Provider Category

Change Management Provider Award

This award recognises the excellence of a service provider in helping its client set a compelling vision and plan, implement and manage changes in the people aspect of a major organisational programme. Entries should demonstrate contribution through all the stages of the change process and how the programme brings positive impacts to the client’s employees and organisation performance and / or clearly minimises potential negative impacts.


ESG Provider Award

This award recognises the excellence of a service provider in assisting its client in planning a comprehensive ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) approach, including Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives, and factoring into the overall HR strategy. Entries should demonstrate the positive influence made by applying the ESG service / project to deepen the sustainability and ethical impact of its client in the areas of environment, society, and governance.


Family-Friendly Practices Provider Award

This award recognises the excellence of a service provider in providing its client with strategies to ensure its employees can balance work and family obligations. Entries should demonstrate efforts in providing clients with assistance in strategy implementation. The scope of entries may cover various HR policies and practices, including but not limited to flexible work arrangements, daycare, elderly care, adoption and reproductive assistance, breastfeeding support, paid personal and earned days off programmes, and academic bursaries for employees' children.


Innovation Provider Award

This award recognises the excellence of a service provider in putting an HR concept into practice for its client through innovative initiatives to create synergies, deliver insight, increase efficiency, enhance family, community and / or social values while addressing workforce and / or organisation challenges. Innovative initiatives can be creating or adopting a new technology or digital solution, or a creative strategic HR-related programme for clients.


Learning & Development Provider Award

This award recognises a service provider that demonstrates excellence in the design, creation, and implementation of a unique learning and development strategy for its client that enhances the skills, knowledge, and attitude across all levels of the organisation. The scope of an entry can be a strategic plan or programme, individual courses or other deliverables that enhance performance and encourage learning and development in the client’s organisation.


Talent Acquisition Provider Award

This award recognises the excellence of a service provider in providing its client with a talent attraction strategy that effectively aligns with the overall business strategies and employer branding of the organisation. Entries should demonstrate excellence in job design, manpower planning and deployment, recruitment and selection strategies, internal mobility strategies and programmes that seek to achieve effective utilisation and acquisition of talent to meet client’s business needs.

Technology Application Provider Award

This award recognises the excellence of a service provider in assisting its client to embrace technologies, data analytics / informatics or digital solutions which can help the client drive better efficiency, productivity and performance of the HR department and the organisation. The scope of an entry can include the implementation of HR software, analytic systems, online training, etc.

NGO Category

NGO Award

This award recognises the achievements of an NGO in sustaining organisational growth and development, while enhancing the quality of its workforce through implementation of an HR-related project or solution. Non-government organisations (NGOs), non-profit making organisations (NPOs), or social enterprises are eligible to enter this award.

Individual Category

  • Entrants for the Individual Category should possess at least 1 year of working experience as an HR practitioner.

  • Entrants should remain in the same organisation during the interview period, otherwise he or she may be disqualified from the Award. Entrants should also submit a nomination letter with the letterhead of the organisation as an official supporting document from the company. The letter should include the name, business title, and signature of both the supervisor and entrant, as well as the company chop.

HR Professional Award

This award recognises an individual HR practitioner who is at the Managerial, Executive, or Leadership career stage as described in the attached HR Career Ladder Guide* which is published by the HKIHRM, and has contributed to his or her own organisation by creating a significant HR impact.

*Please refer to P.18-19 of entry guide for more details.

Rising Star Award

This award recognises an individual HR practitioner who is at the Technical or Professional career stage as described in the attached HR Career Ladder Guide* which is published by the HKIHRM, and has demonstrated excellence either by the creative and innovative development of new ideas and programmes or by highly effective utilisation of well regarded principles in HR. Specific achievements may be related to a project or an ongoing activity of his or her own organisation.

Grand Award of the Year

The Grand Award of the Year is presented to the top awardee under the “Organisational Category”. This award highlights the entry that serves as the most outstanding example of best practice in action, inspiring Hong Kong HR practitioners with new ideas to help them excel in their profession. In arriving at their decision, the judges will look for projects that have produced outstanding results with a far-reaching impact and meaningful contribution to the HR community as a whole. The winning project should be able to show what can be accomplished through passion, dedication and a commitment to helping and developing its people.

Special Award for COVID-19 Response

The Special Award is presented only to the Finalist(s) under the Organisational Category, in recognition of the company’s caring and innovative response to COVID-19 in their entry initiative / project, which benefited employees and / or their families.  Entrants must indicate in writing their intention to compete for this Special Award in the Project Summary under the aforementioned category when they submit the entry. Any such indication made after the submission will not be allowed.

Award Categories
Organisational Category
HR Service Provider Catetory
NGO Category
Individual Category
Grand Award of the Year
Key Dates
Key Dates

Call for Sponsors

Nomination Kicks Off

Briefing Session

Submission of Entry Form and Project Summary

Final Interview

Awards Presentation Ceremony

Sharing Sessions


April 2023

April or May 2023

Until 30 June 2023 

(Early-bird period until May 2023)

Early December 2023

February 2024

Q2 2024

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