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Terms and Conditions

Privacy Policy Statement

When you visit our website we record your visit only as a "hit" and do not collect any personally identifiable information from you unless you send us a personal e-mail or register to receive our updates. The information collected from you is secured on this website, whereby access to the information is restricted to personnel within the HKIHRM who have a need to use the information. Transmission of any information on-line is not secured by encryption. If you have any queries about our Privacy Policy Statement, please contact us.

Kinds of Personal Data held by HKIHRM

There are three general categories of personal data held by the HKIHRM. They are personal data contained in: 


Membership, Marketing and Participants' lists, which include records containing information supplied by data subjects and data users and collected in connection with membership, marketing and participants activities undertaken by or on behalf of the HKIHRM.

Personnel information, which include personal particulars, job descriptions, details of compensation and benefits, performance appraisals, references and disciplinary matters relating to each employee employed by the HKIHRM.

Other records, which include administration and other files, containing personal data provided to the HKIHRM by individuals for purposes other than those connected with membership. marketing, participants or employment.

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Main Purposes of HKIHRM for keeping Personal Data 

The main purposes for which personal data is held by HKIRHM is as follows: 

Membership, Marketing and Participants' records are kept for purposes that include corresponding with, responding to and taking follow-up action in respect of members, promotion activities and participants, including compiling and publishing membership directories and participants' lists.

Personnel records of employees are kept for human resource management purposes, relating to such matters as statutory requirements. employees' terms of employment, performance appraisal, providing references, discipline and termination.

Other records are kept to enable us to carry out various functions and activities which vary according to the nature of the purpose for which such records are to be used, including administration of the office and institute's functions and activities, seeking advice on operational matters, participating, promotional and training activities organized by, or on behalf of, the HKIHRM, acquisition of services and handling of enquiries from members and the public.

HKIHRM Personal Data Policies and Practices

The HKIHRM personal data policies and practices are those that comply with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance that are contained in this Statement and any other notices relating to personal data, being policies and practices as are in force and as amended from time to time.

Data subjects are entitled to request the HKIHRM to grant access and correction of personal data in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance for which the Institute may impose a fee to access.

Data access and correction requests may be addressed to the Membership Department or such other person to whom a requestor may be referred.

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